Saturday, 24 March 2018


Durante la semana del 19 al 23 de Marzo, recibimos en el colegio a 28 profesores y profesoras de 8 países de Europa.
Decoración del rincón:

Aunque este proyecto Erasmus+ va dirigido a educación infantil y primer ciclo de educación primaria, todo el alumnado ha podido beneficiarse y tener contacto e información sobre la visita. En 2º y 3º ciclo han trabajado e ilustrado los cuentos sobre las muñecas "Persona Doll" que se trabajan en el proyecto, toda la comunidad educativa participó en las pistas en la ceremonia de bienvenida, en la que actuaron ambas clases de 5º con la canción "Chiquitita" de Abba y una selección de alumnos/as voluntarios de 6º que prepararon un teatro en inglés titulado "The crazy story". 

Otros alumnos/as voluntarios de 6º fueron guías e intérpretes durante la visita de nuestros socios a las clases. Todos los participantes pueden dejar su opinión respecto a las actividades de esta semana en los comentarios de esta entrada. 


  1. I was one of those who participated in the theater represented the grandmother of Little Red Riding Hood and I had a great time. I was also a guide for the teachers of the Chec Republic and the most difficult thing was explaining what was the Voice Kids. I had the opportunity to taste the chec chocolate and it is very good. I loved this project.
    By: María del Mar Pérez Navarro 6ºB

  2. I was one of the three pigs I'm the number three of the erasmus theatre I think that was great. I guide the italian teachers me traduce to the English to Spanish to the small children I think that is very easy.


  3. This act was very fun had gift deliveries, a theater in English and a tour of the classes, aside I had a great time because I participated in everything I could.

  4. I was the stepmother of Snow White in the theater and I think that it was so well. I was the guide of 2 men of Polonia, I was a traductor with legs!! We visited 4 years B and the childrens of this class sang a song and a dance. I saw the childrens of school so exited with this project, I think they liked it so much.
    By: Laura Pérez Uroz.

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