Sunday, 18 June 2017


Durante la semana del 4 al 10 de Junio, 25 alumnos/as de 6º A y B han participado en los campamentos de inmersión lingüística convocados por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. El campamento ha tenido lugar en la localidad de Nerva (Huelva). Las chicas y chicos han compartido su estancia con otros compañeros/as de un colegio de Casatejada (Cáceres), han  realizado actividades deportivas, lúdicas y académicas en inglés. Como tarea final del campamento han elaborado estos videos sobre los aspectos trabajados, así como el diario de viaje que podéis ver en esta entrada. Sus opiniones sobre el campamento están en los comentarios.


  1. I think that this camp is the best and there was very enterteining.I made a lot of new friends from Casatejada.I loved all my new friends!I also liked all the activities because there were very funny.The monitors were fantastic and my favourites were:Charlie because he played the guitar and Patrick because there was funny. I miss all my new friends from Extremadura and the monitors!

  2. To my this camp I like very much, because we knew new friends, we did many games and enterteining treks, the teachers were entertained and the place was very nice.

  3. I think the camp was a lot of fun because I made many new friends for Casatejada and we also did a lot of activities for the monitors. All the monitors speak Spanish but I do not do it now. I love this camp a lot.

  4. This camp was a very good experience for me. I learnt a lot of English and I meet new great friends and monitors. In this time the food was really good. We played a lot of activities like the tower of boxes or the cyclocars. We went to "Doñana Nacional Park" and we learnt a lot of the linxs and we climed a tree. We woke up with diferent things such as the bottle with water, the police, the flower, the fox and with music. We had diferent days: The water day, the human impact day, the fauna day, the flora day and the earth day.

  5. Andevalo Aventura Camp was se great, becuse we did a lots of activities like climbing, cyclocars, teamwork... Every days moniters get us up with differents Nature Wonders lije: Flora, fauna, human impact...

    For breakfast we had a lots of differents types of food. The diner was fantastic, I thought that it is going to be so bad but when I eat it, it was so yummy.

    Every afternoons Peppa Pig went in ours romos to see if they were tidy, then we have free time.

    We went in Nerva Village on Friday, and it was a very beautifull place with a lots of life there. The monitors were so funny. In my opinión the camp is for sporty and adventure people. I love it.

  6. In my opinión the campament was great! We did a lot of activities, the monitors were so funnys and we met a lot of new Friends. My favourite day was monday because the monitors got up with water's guns and with a lot of music. This day we also learned things about the "Rio Tinto River". And we made a lot of pictures on bracalet's colours groups! The day I like the less was saturday because we has to say "Good bye" to our camp's new Friends. And it was so difficult!

  7. In the camp I learnt a lot of English. Also I had a lot of fun because we did funny activities such as climbing a wall or riding cyclocars. The camp was in Nerva, it was called Andévalo Aventura and we were 44 children. We did a lot of friends from the school of José Pavón, in Cáceres (Extremadura).

  8. I like this camp because you wake up in different ways, when we did activities.In the camp there were 3 groups:purple,yellow and green.I was of the purple.There were many rooms, my room was 11.I sleeped with 3 girls.I liked the food!
    This capm was very funny!

  9. Last week, some children of my class went to a Camp in Nerva. Nerva is a village of Huelva. In this village, we played some games such as Paintball. This week we slept in a bedroom five boys, Juanma, Rubén, Arnoldo and I. We played football in our free time and after that, we did some homework. It was excited!

  10. The camp was very good to learn many different things about the enviorment. The monitors were very funny and they were always happy. In my opinión the best thing of the camp was the day of the ``Earth.´´ It was very funny!!

  11. The camp was the best for me, because we did new friends, spoke a lot of english and did amazing activities. The monitors were very funny and the songs we sing, too. For me the best day was the monday, the day of the water.

  12. In this camp we make new friends and we speak all the time in English.I don't like the rooms because the beds was very bad.I like a lot and I enjoy very much this camp

  13. It has been an incredible experience. I have improved my English funny and easy. I did a lot of interested activities. The monitors are amazing! I would like repeat it in the future with all my class mate and with my new Caceres's friends.

  14. In this camp i learn some things that vocabulary,enviorment,water,....For me the best activities are climb a tree because is soo funny climb.Are the best camp that we have


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