Task 1- Healthy diet: The pupils wrote their diet for 1 week
Then, they explained 2 recipes in their menus.
Task 2- At the doctor's: We prepared a role play. One of the pupils was a doctor, and 2 are ill people who went to the doctor. They performed different situations related to this topic.
Task 3- Smoret - Virtual poster about sports: Children worked in teams to prepare a virtual poster about a sport. They were encouraged to choose a minoritary sports. They found out information about number of players, rules, time, place, referees, etc.
You can see some posters in this link:
Task 3- Smoret - Virtual poster about sports: Children worked in teams to prepare a virtual poster about a sport. They were encouraged to choose a minoritary sports. They found out information about number of players, rules, time, place, referees, etc.
You can see some posters in this link: