Monday, 9 January 2017


The topic for this unit was "healthy body", we worked about diet, sports and doctors.

Task 1- Healthy diet: The pupils wrote their diet for 1 week

 Then, they explained 2 recipes in their menus. 

Task 2- At the doctor's: We prepared a role play. One of the pupils was a doctor, and 2 are ill people who went to the doctor. They performed different situations related to this topic. 

Task 3- Smoret - Virtual poster about sports: Children worked in teams to prepare a virtual poster about a sport. They were encouraged to choose a minoritary sports. They found out information about number of players, rules, time, place, referees, etc. 
You can see some posters in this link:

Sunday, 8 January 2017


In this unit we worked about physical appearance.
 TASK 1- My wardrobe, Pupils in 4th level worked about physical description of people, face, body hair, clothes etc. In this task, working in pairs,  they drawed and painted their own wardrobe with their favourites clothes. Next, they had to decide and prepare a dialogue about  what they were wearing for an activity with his/her classmate. Some children focused on the pictures and didn't prepare the dialogues, specially in 4 A class. Many of them, did not like being recorded for videos. 

TASK 2- A famous woman speaking in English.    This is an indiviudal task, children choose a famous women from a country where English is spoken,  They had to paste a picture and to  describe her. They filled in  a template with some information about the woman they had chosen and then, they explained in class who is she. We made a cooperative poster using all the information. 
We used women description for this activity because we were working in our Erasmus+ project "S/He is equal in Europe". 


Task 1-Poll -Task 1-Poll -Children in 6th worked in teams about "Spare time", they prepared a questionnaire with 10 questions related to activities  their friends prefere doing during their spare time. They worked with google forms. Them, they explained the results in class. This task was not a succes, children prepared good questions from  a grammar point of view but the questions were not relevant for asking information about free time. Some teams did not have enough time to prepare the forms and they repeated the same questions. 
Oral exposition about the polls, for many teams were just reading the results without any explanation. 

Task 2- Almeria cinema- They used English for explaining the relation about our city and the cinema. They prepare a review about films shot in Almería. They were surprise about how many famous films and series have being shot  here since the sixties.  We prepared a interactive book with the collected information. 

Task 3- A cinema scene- They prepared a scene for a film they loved and performed it in the class. Pupils were really motivated for this activity, they enjoyed a lot and their performances were very good,